Thursday, September 16, 2010

Conservative ≠ Close Minded

Why is it that somehow conservative means closed-minded?

In my life I have met many liberals/democrats/"open minded" progressive thinkers who were completely intolerant and closed minded about me and my lifestyle.

They could not open their minds to think of marriage in a traditional manner, or that it meant something more than a tax status or simply loving someone. It is a long standing tradition and religious institute; and I feel like Tevya in Fiddler on the Roof, "trying to scratch out a pleasant, simple tune without breaking his neck."

These open minded friends are not open to my views of hard work and helping your neighbor because it's the right thing to do. They would rather dictate that I help others through higher taxes. I don't believe I should be mandated to help others, "he that is compelled in all things, the same is a slothful and not a wise servant."

For Example: I graduated from medical school 3 months ago and after residency I plan on working in a small town in Idaho. I plan on working a few days a month in free clinics, and helping those who can't afford care. So I feel this should be sufficient.
That's why I don't appreciate patients who feel entitled to care, any time, all the time because they have medicaid. Medicaid doesn't pay enough to cover the overhead costs. I'd have to hire a medicaid billing expert to submit and resubmit paperwork so I can finally get less than 50% of what I bill. (and won't arrive for 3 months)
A little gratitude would go a long way, instead of demands.

I hope for truly open minded friends who are open to the thought of me praying when I want. I don't ask them to pray with me, I just ask that they let me worship how, what, and where I want.

I have "open minded" friends who ridicule me for not doing certain activities on Sunday because I consider Sunday sacred. There are those who plan activities on Sundays and Monday nights on purpose, to prove that they will not bend their will to any religion, whether it hurts participation or not.

I'm sick of being told I'm closed-minded by people who take no time to open their minds and learn about why I do the things I do.

I'm sure I have been closed-minded in the past, I'm sure I still am in ways I don't even realize.

But please, before you try to get the mote out of my eye, check for a beam in your own (I will do the same)

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Gosh, this was the best read in a long time!! Much love from a Conservative with both liberal and moderate leanings. - Jennifer