Wednesday, September 5, 2012

We Are Not Single Issue Voters!

Why do people think that any of us are single issue voters?  With all the topics, policies, and the utter complexity of our everyday lives - how could it be possible to have your vote come down to one issue?

I'm a doctor in Residency.  I'm a mormon, married with kids.  I usually vote Republican.  I don't own a gun, but I enjoy skeet shooting and I'll probably own a shotgun someday.  I think everyone should pay their fair share of taxes, from the top to the bottom.  I believe we have a duty to help the poor, but no one is entitled to take what I've earned without my consent.  I want to retire someday, I want my kids to go to college.

I've only written 4 lines about myself (without touching foreign policy) - but I challenge anyone to explain to me why one of those issues should define me completely - and have absolute control over my vote.
Tonight I was reading a CNN story about the Democratic National Convention.  One comment said this:

"If you have a mother, daughter, sister, aunt, niece, grandmother, cousin, then make sure you stand up against the party of No who has a mission to take women's wombs away from them. The GOP platform is to make abortion illegal, by going around the way of creating personhood amendments, that a person is made at conception. There will be no exceptions in any situation."

First, it's wrong, that's not Romney's stance - but let's not debate that here.  Even if it were true. Is the right to have an abortion the most important issue when picking a president?

A 60 year old woman who is getting ready to retire - is that her first priority?  It's not health care, or social security, or anything like that - it's her right to have an abortion???

How about Gun Control?  I like shooting a gun once in a while for sport.  I've never shot a living thing, but sure, I'd go hunting if someone invited me.  Does that define me?  Does that mean I must vote Republican so I have the right to a military grade assault rifle?  That's insane.

How about issues closer to home - Taxes, Health Care, Religion.  

 I'm a flat tax guy.  Does that mean I must vote for Ron Paul, or a flat tax supporter?  Is that the end all, beat all issue?

I'm a Mormon living in Nevada.  Does that mean I must vote for Harry Reid because he's a mormon too?  Must I vote for Romney?  

Health care is huge in my life.  First - I care that my family and I are healthy - and it's also how I get paid.  I serve mostly the indigent population - so government programs pay pretty much my entire salary.  If Medicaid and Medicare don't exist - how do those patients get health care?  How do their doctors get paid?  So must I vote democrat to support the full funding of those programs?

I have many homosexual friends.  Some are Republicans, some are Democrats.  Why are homosexuals treated like their sexual orientation defines them?  They can't have an opinion on foreign policy, the environment, employment, or any other issue?

Why are women treated like their uterus is their entire being?
Why are gun owners treated like that is their only joy in life?
Why, why, why?

Is it because it's easy?  We want people to fit into boxes?  We want to make elections about one issue, and then pick sides and duke it out?

Let's just tell people right now who they are voting for:

Women - Obama
Wealthy - Romney
Gays - Obama
Business Owners - Romney
Blacks/Latinos - Obama
Mormons - Romney
Youth - Obama
Unemployed - Romney

Do you disagree with this list? OF COURSE YOU DO!  It's wrong!

This is how we start ignoring people - we treat them like a demographic.

This is how stereotypes start - which leads to labeling, dismissing, hating, and eventually killing.

To the Republicans, the Democrats, The Libertarians, the Pundits, the Candidates, the Super-PACs and everybody else trying to influence us.  Stop treating us like stereotypical morons who have one track minds.

Thank you.

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