Saturday, March 31, 2012

President Obama vs. Mr. Obama

When George Washington was first elected he was formally addressed as: "His High Mightiness, the President of the United States and Protector of their Liberties."

This was quickly changed to "Mr. President" because the colonists didn’t like how much it sounded like the British Monarchy.

The 2nd President, John Adams, supported very formal titles but lost the battle to change it - so the title of "Mr. President" remained.

Now as I listen to the radio, watch the news, and read political news stories, I'm amazed at how often I see the President referred to simply as "Mister."

It happened with President Bush, and it is happening with President Obama.

I am dumbfounded.  Of all the people who deserve their Title - It has to be the one person who was elected by a nation wide vote.  The one public servant who was chosen by the people, with everyone having the chance to voice their opinion.  Doesn't he deserve to at least not be called by the general term for all adult males "Mister?"

We call him "Mister" yet we call Laura Schlessinger "Doctor" because she earned a Ph.D in physiology in 1974. (Her doctorate is not in psychology, or anything having to do with marriage or family relations.  Her doctoral thesis was on insulin's effects on laboratory rats)

We refer to her as "Doctor" because she once earned a doctorate that has NOTHING to do with her current line of work.  She met the requirements of one University, earned her degree, and we call her by her Title - "Doctor."

Yet we call the rightfully elected President of our nation by the common term - "Mister."


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Other countries don't change the title of their highest elected leaders . While in term a president should Always be referred to as President especially while on a newsworthy broadcast.