Sunday, September 23, 2012

Does Faith = Ignorance?

Sometimes I am treated like I must be an ignorant, uneducated moron because I believe in God, follow my religion, and try to live my life according to the teachings of God as I understand them.

I walk in very well educated circles - and sometimes people think "Once you're smart enough you don't need a belief in God anymore, you know better."  They can reason their way past a need for faith.

So I decided to do a quick check on the leaders of my church; a group of 15 men.

Is it possible they are just blind faith followers?  Are they just well intended sheep who blindly follow and do what they're told? 

Or is it possible they are well educated, intelligent men who despite (or likely because of) their education believe in God and have made him the center of their lives?

Here is what I found on a quick, cursory search:

Among the 15 men there are:

3 lawyers
1 surgeon
7 masters degrees
6 doctorate degrees including Nuclear Engineering, Business, Religion, American Studies, etc...
4 University Presidents
3 Harvard Graduates
1 Stanford Graduate 
1 Yale Graduate

These men are smarter than me - but even if they weren't, I would still follow them.

They don't need all those degrees, but it's nice to know that very VERY educated men can still humble themselves, get on their knees, and admit that they would be nothing without their creator.

Source of Information: LDS Church News

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